Terror Island
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Strip #116 — Friday, March 9, 2007
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

You're probably disappointed that no stars are visible in those moon shots. It's because stars are actually pretty faint, even from the moon, so they don't show up without a long exposure time. When I went to the moon for these pictures, I used a fairly short exposure, to better capture the images of the characters, so the stars didn't come out.

To learn more about taking pictures of stars on the moon, see this article.

Lewis's Notes

Silly Ben, stars can't fit on the moon.

A lot of people ask me, "Lewis, how can I help Terror Island?" The answer is simple. Tell everyone you know about it, constantly. Open it up in their web browser and insist that they read some. I didn't want to tell people this, but if we don't get our numbers up soon, we're going to have to switch formats, and become a dramatic fantasy comic, only the dialogue will all be written in Fake Esperanto.

Just remember the three easy steps TELL SHOW INSIST: 1) TELL everyone you know about it. 2) SHOW them the site. 3) INSIST they keep reading.

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