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Strip #47 — Friday, September 29, 2006
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

This update is coming to you from D.C., where I am. Also, I am entering these comments on the website, because Lewis is experiencing technical difficulties. So these comments are from an unusual source in two ways.

Anyway, speaking of board games, I played some earlier today, with Claire and friends. (Ticket to Ride; Hey, That's My Fish; and Blokus.) The books in panel four are Claire's, but she doesn't actually keep them together like that. She does not yet know that I rearranged her carefully color-coordinated books for the sake of a comic she doesn't read. Seriously, she organizes her books by color.

Lewis's Notes

Last night, I arrived home to discover that my internet connection was down. The wonders of technology allowed me to upload the strip and update the website from my cell phone. That is not a pleasant way to do the update, so midway through I deputized Ben as assistant webmaster, and had him finish.

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