Terror Island
"some photos of chess pieces don't want to buy groceries?"
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Strip #8 — Friday, June 30, 2006
it's hard to appreciate this comic strip without seeing it
first current
Notes, Thoughts, &c.

Ben's Notes

If I had kids, I'd want to give them names that require explanations like Jame's. Fortunately, I don't have kids.

Lewis's Notes

Ben and I decided to invent a new genre (the gamepiece photocomic), because that way, in addition to being genre pioneers and thus, important innovators, it allows us to be the sole members of a particular comparison class, which makes it easier to truthfully say things like "Terror Island is the best gamepiece photocomic there is."

Also, neither Ben nor I can draw, and so it made sense to create the comic in a way where it would look good. (I can compliment the way it looks, because Ben does the photography not me, so that sort of comment is kind instead of vain).

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